Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Party Time!

So hello everybody! How've your weekend treated ya'll? 

Hope it was good, cause mine definitely weren't something to complain about! The previous weekend Eric and I got invited to one of my newer friend's house warming party in Aarhus. I was really happy that she said I could bring him along, (cause of obvious and previous stated in other blogposts to why) this was also my chance to have my boyfriend meet my Facebook wife ('◉◞⊖◟◉` )" 

(dun dun dunnnn) 

I so stupid in a rush to pack our sleeping gear forgot to bring the present I had for E (the host of the party), felt really awkward not giving her one when everyone else had given E some ._______.

Unwrapping presents

..can be purchased in your Fakta store (DK)
Eric told me how it was his first time, drinking at a house warming - here I thought that was completely normal (• ◡•) Hi, I sound pretty alcoholic ey' It started out pretty chill, tried different drinking game Apps (lol, spinning wheel was pretty weird but it worked, got the drinking started!)

Waterfall was probably the game I enjoyed the most. With all the rules getting added and it was ridiculous the amount of waterfall cards I got, E was the one on my left so she was the one to suffer. Mwahahaha, played it well. Though 2nd round Eric got me, with all 4 cards; that too was ridiculous! My glass(es) had like 70% alcohol, 30% chaser. No mercy in this game, ain't nobody got time for that. Nevertheless funny motha shit for sure!

Le drinking App

Evening's challenge for Wifey and I

It was an over all fun party and I had a good time, these girls are so crazy when they get drunk! We prepared the snails as punishments after 2-3 dares during Waterfall, mainly E wanted Eric to eat them sine he said he had snails before and liked it

I tried some too, ... didn't taste of much but, the after taste was similar to liking dirt. After some more drinks, shots of Tequila and Barcadi they put the snails in Koldskål (a Danish dessert, think of very liquefied yogurt. Very yummy..by itself) and ate it infront of E's neighbors (from downstairs on ground floor, they payed her 10 DKK so like $2,40) was hella funny and I recorded it allノ≧∇≦)ノ 

The snails...all buttered up, sprinkled with salt rocks

Boyfriend snap, looking hella hammered LOL
Talked Eric into taking some pictures with me, he agreed ◕3◕ 
Got hella happy, even though it might seem lame; dude, it's so freaking hard to get pictures together with him. Unless a friend were to take one of us, he never lets me do it )))))': Enough talking about it though, let me just share the last pics from the party, speaks for itself right? `∀´)σ

Cutie playing Fruit Ninja `∀´)σ

Do the motha fawking Shark!

I'm so glad this turned out blurry...lol

. . .

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