I feel so bad about the earlier post about the dance video, putting life into my Youtube account and all that happy stuff! Been difficult lately, 2 weeks of school, or not so much school but, struggling with weird things ever since I came back to Bangkok after the flood. A lot of things happened, not just being glad getting back into school, but really crappy things which always happens .. tend to happen.
I'll break it into short pieces since I really wont be motivated to keep my blog alive at the moment since I have my final tomorrow (Still have final papers, but it's like my only actual - test examination)
- My closest friend Rassamee had to leave the Thai studies program at my Uni and go back to the US the Sunday (I arrived in BKK Friday) 5AM in the morning, was with her all weekend, escorted her to the Airport at crap at night - Fucking saddest moment to start off my return to normal life. I miss her so much, she was such an important person to me, not that other people aren't important. but really it was just different. What can I say, we just really had a good connection and understanding of each others life.
- School/Makeup classes: had ridiculously long hours per class, the first week, I have no idea what happened but, after makeup classes during the weekend and like not mention 9AM-4PM hours long classes, the weekend all of sudden turned to school days and 5 days of what would have been my typical normal week of class and school I had the entire week off, and had my last classes Saturday and Sunday, really fucked me up.
- Eating: for the last 2 weeks I have barely eaten ANYTHING. After having a food poisoning at my families in Pattaya, my appetite just disappeared like, almost instantly, hardly had more than some jelly to eat cause it almost would feel uncomfortable, almost sicking .. more on that in the other part.
- Throwing up - kinda talks for itself, it's not like I didn't try to eat, trust me. OH GOD MY SOM TAM GAWD Y U NO STAY IN ME
- Black outs, fainting, dizziness the list of this is endless, but I ended up with severe pains in my upper part of my abdominal upper body blah blah, and well got admitted to the hospital after hours of painful screaming, and feeling like my ribcage was going to tear me apart and that I was going to throw up a bucket of stomach acid. I got blood sample taken, an xray, request on a urine sample and more touching/pressing on my stomach which was like fucking excruciating worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life as if skin and whatnot was going to rip and burst from my body. After that shit, tears, and all of that finally I got a
giantdose of morphine (some painkiller or whatever can't remember how to spell it) and everything was soft, panda's everywhere and flimmery stars, not to mention I felt numb and no pain, such a heavenly state.
- Last thing.. My last final is tomorrow (Friday 9th, 13:00 - 16:00) then semester is over and I have holidays, like really officially, and then on the 15th is the deadline for mostly all final paper/take home exams and I'm wrapping it all up in the weekend, cause I'm going to Malaysia on the 18th! To meet my "sister" online support there and stay with her and her family for almost a week, it is truly a high light of my dim lighted mind as I write this.
Thanks guys, for whoever took time to read it, I had a Give away planned in favor of the holidays Christmas and New Years I'm not sure if it's going to be set to life but, it's still just a small one since I'm just a poor student who had to pour out 5000B for medical bill and medicine. Hahhh..
Stay safe and be careful na!
take care of yourself, you fool! :C *kicks*